November 15, 2010

YOU draw ME - in Cuba.

This here's a flip on my YOU series. Instead of me drawing YOU, I asked you to draw ME. As you prolly know, I'm exhausted / fried / wasted / pooped / cream'n'crackered and plum tuckered out from this ...and this. I went to Cuba to have some badly needed R & R with my little boy but I didn't leave enough time to get the post together properly before I left. So I'm doing it now!

It was great to get people drawing. And draw you did, all different, all meaningful, and all from wonderful people. I'll let you discover them for yourself...

This one's from Those2Girls blogger Lisa @those2girls! I'm singing Madonna's HOLIDAY. My bags are packed in the drawing, but they were not packed in real life. HAH!

From The Little Hen House blogger Morgan @littlehenhouse "Here is my favorite one. Had to write it on the back of a receipt. :)" When the creative hits, draw on anything you can - envelopes, napkins, your kid's forehead - don't hold back!

From Being Peachy blogger @ThePeachy1. If you read my blog, then you already know about weevers and slugs. Turns out, Cuba's hurricane season was not a huge improvement on the beaches of England's Cornish coast.

And from Liv and Let Dine blogger Olivia, AKA @Olithechef who lived in Cuba as a child, actually inside the Guantanamo army base from 1967 to 1970.

From the talented On the Eve of Insanity blogger @EverRose who wrote "It's hard to make a stick figure that doesn't look like one of your drawings!" I think she succeeded - it has it's own distinct style.

From Not Super...Just Mom blogger Miranda, @notsuperjustmom a colourful spin on heading for the beach.

The Ink Panther blogger, Rob @InkPanther's drawing really looks like me! And yeah, Animation Rules!!

From Mocha Dad blogger Fred AKA all around awesome dude @mochadad! You know, I did see some pretty awesome cars in Cuba.

This one is from my lovely 13 year old daughter.

We got my BFFF @TrashCanRoxanne drunk on Halloween and then asked her to draw this. Not bad for for a glow-in-the-dark witch eh? Here's her portfolio/blog!

From the adorable Mike AKA @artisticdork - check out my awesome silver streak!! He's a fellow artist and you can check out his work here.

Finally My Seven Kids blogger Nikki @mysevenkids drew this for me. I think it captures perfectly what I wanted to achieve on this vacay: some time alone with my son. With no distractions, no phones, no pressures....and even (I was shaking at the thought) NO TWITTER. We didn't get the sunshine, but we scored really high on quality time together.'s thanks to this drawing that I remembered to pack my sunglasses, heheh.
Thank-you everyone!

There is one more Cuba guest post coming up ... from my friend Tanya, the lovely blogger extraordinaire Mom-o-matic. Stay tooned!



  1. Those are all incredibly awesome!

  2. That was an impressive gallery of wonderfulness JC!

  3. I love them, they are all so cute. PS I draw way better on paper than on my laptop since it's not a mac the graphics blow. LOL. rest, because we miss you ! We can't wait to have you back !

  4. Great pictures.. I'm so glad ThePeachy1 told me about this place. Now following!!

  5. Very cute. In spite of what the drawings indicate, I hope you successfully avoided the cigars!

  6. I can't stop thinking about cigars since reading/re-reading this post. I loved when my dad smoked them, or smoked pipes. I want to make my husband smoke one just so I can smell it!

  7. Hey guys! I'm still so impressed by the fact that so many people contributed.

    @ Mom O Matic - I smoked a cigarillo on the weekend, the only thing I brought back with me (other than a jar of honey and some seashells). We only lit one and passed it around on account of not wanting to smoke the house up! It felt divinely decadent.

  8. i find it amusing that about half of the drawings emphasized, or at least made sure to add some boobage. I think your blog post about your boobs stuck with most bloggers, haha!


Cuz You Rocketh.