December 24, 2011

GREEN Christmas - Top 10 Funniest.

1. Grinch it. Bully a small dog into helping you steal Christmas only to give it back at the last minute. Sounds fun right?  You don't hafta wear pants and your heart will grow three sizes.

2. Envy. Simply covet thy neighbour's gifts!

3. Greenback. Buy a winning lottery ticket, for a change.

4. Zombie.  That dude you kissed under the mistletoe is now gnawing on your shoulder.

5. Nausea. Too much rich food will make you green around the gills.

6. Practical Presents. Wine probably fits into this category. It's not exactly environmental, but hey, it's wine. As The Huz says, "wouldn't you rather give your money to a family run vineyard than a big pharmaceutical company?"

7. Orion Slave Girls. They make a nice holiday treat....if you're into alien sex. Uh, I mean sects.

8. Last Minute Green Gift. You get a surprise visit from Aunt Mildred, and she's got gifts for the whole family. But you have no gift for her! Uh-oh....better sneak into the bathroom with your laptop and get her a Kiva Gift Card to loan $25 to third world entrepreneur.

9. Noob it. Enjoy the green sensation of learning something new.

10. Make-up! Get your fabulous friends to paint you green and take pictures.

Got any more?

Kathy Slamen Photography, Body painting  Alex Hansen, Hair & make-up Naita Ratycz, jewelry and hair accessory by Serafina, vintage gown courtesy private collection of Nancy Marrelli.


  1. These photos are wonderful. I love you added the zombie one. :) I love zombies.

  2. Amber, thank-you. Zombies are environmentally friendly and 100% recyclable.

  3. Hey! You left out Miss Gulch's alter-ego.
    I'm imagining a Christmas team-up with nudey-bummed Grinch.

  4. Green is also the color of the heart chakra associated with healing and other hippy dippy #stuff!

  5. What I great idea -- to go all green for Chistmas!!!
    I keep asking for the winning lotto ticket, every year... It only costs $1. It's not like I'm asking for the world. :-P
    Have a very Merry and Wonderful Christmas. :-D Thank you for the gift of year long LOLs and smiles. :-)

  6. Excellent list! I especially like #5!

    (Also, the makeup is fantastic)

  7. Love this list and the photos are phenomenal!


  8. What a fantastic list and wonderful photos - you have great friends.
    That gown is absolutely gorgeous, I am so jealous.
    Merry Christmas to you and yours.

  9. Fruity cleavage brings to mind all sorts of temptations. And when did you post this?

    Kinda sorta makes you 'Christmas Eve'!

    [see whut ah done thar...]

  10. That gown looks fabulous on you, but that doesn't mean that this post wasn't more than a little weird...albeit in wondrous ways.

  11. Being a Christian Woman - You're right! Shoulda found a way to include the Wicked Witch of the West. She's scary green. Not very Christmassy though.

  12. You look goood in green, capn;)

  13. Anonymous - I like that...I've always felt that green was a healing colour, new growth and all that.

  14. SarahWinters - You're an artiste. Perhaps you could draw the winning ticket? Ha.

  15. Gorgeous!!! I love them all!! Very well done, you are a beauty. xox

  16. Love, love and love this, the pics are amazing, the writing is terrific. I sooo wish I would have read this BEFORE Christmas because what do you get for the military guy whose last name is Kirk and he already has everything? An Orion woman! I have never thought of that! Oh well there's always next year. You are amazing, and I love you. Thank you for a year of smiles, laughs, tears, giggles, happy thoughts, deep thoughts, and friendship. xoxox PEACH OUT

    1. Peach, if you paint yourself green for Captain Kirk, you better promise to post pictures of it.

  17. They are all fantastic. Love it!
    Does @TheHuzofJC enjoy the green too?
    Ohh, kinky. Ahem.

  18. this is what happens when you eat too much broccoli. that's why I don't eat it. Also yes, Zombies are the perfect gift, they are totally resourced from dead humans.


Cuz You Rocketh.