September 17, 2012

The First NonCon.

"Any questions...?"

I dunno about you, but I'm always terrified to ask my question at the end of a conference panel. My heart starts pounding, my mouth gets dry and I feel kinda dizzy.

And the questions that do get answered never have a chance to evolve into stimulating discussion. The three panels I attended at BlogHer12 all felt like they ended too soon.

Whelp. The very first ever Aiming Low NonCon is being launched October 12-13.
Their concept for panels is truly inclusive - they're calling them Roundtables*.
*Tables may not be perfectly round.

A session will have three tables running simultaneously on the same topic, each with its own leader. The Roundtable leader guides the discussion with the smaller group. You don't have to wait until the end to ask your question and the discussion can evolve organically.

Then they switch tables.

So you get to talk with each of the leaders and it gives you a more rounded spectrum of info on the topic.

Big, big conferences can be intimidating. But not the NonCon - here's the typical Aiming Low personality profile:

The NonCon has been thoughtfully programmed with the attendee in mind. Go to the NonCon and you'll get maximum take-away in blogging know-how, and hanging out with top bloggers who truly know their stuff. Chances are you'll also make friends for life.

The first NonCon is free; it's taking place in freaking paradise - seriously, check out the Callaway Gardens in Georgia. There's special rates for the NonCon, and The Huz is coming with me cuz it's so pretty. Well that, and the fact that James Brown was from around there.

I'll be the Opening 8 AM. Don't let my pyjamas fool you - I'll be wide awake.

The Closing Keynote is none other than Ree Drummond, AKA The Pioneer Woman.

I hear Friday night will have a super-hero themed costume party (my idea, naturellement). No promises but FUQMAN may make an appearance with the Maid of AWsum.

Space is limited! Register here.


  1. How come the Boots Aren't Blue with Gold Stars???

  2. ooohh would love to come but have my daughter's birthday during that time. sounds like a blast and you are going to be brilliant and funny as always!

  3. Finally. I will get to actually meet you in real life. I am so excited about this conference. It is my must-do this year.

    And now I need to bring a costume? Hmmmm......

  4. Nuts to JB, I'm coming to watch YOU do YOUR thing!


    1. You're just the sweetest man. And also a sex machine.

  5. Ah, this post.


    Woman, I thought you just made angels cry.

    Sheer beauty.

  6. Congrats on the keynote spot! So wish I could make this one..

  7. I really recommend this method of group discussion, even at small conferences. Not everyone has the confidence to stand up and address a room, and those that do do not necessarily have the best contributions to make (I should know, I'm one of them).

    1. I agree! I mean there's plusses to doing it the traditional way too, it just depends what you want - one way discussion or two way discussion.

  8. Wish I was going. I'd be more giddy pants about this than Blogher.
    Soon I'll get to meet all of my favorite blogging people. So very soon.

    1. Giddy pants is now my new favourite thing ever. Thank-you robot mommy!

  9. Love this. Things make so much more sense in picture form.

    1. I actually drew this so I could understand it better too.

  10. Wish I'd found out about this sooner! Sounds like a really cool con, it's free, and it's within driving- and friend-mooching-distance! That eliminated one of my major hurdles to attending: cost. Hopefully, it happens again next year so I can start lobbying for weekend time and nearby couch-space early. :)

  11. May I get some #NonCon LittleAnimation swag? :)

  12. 8 am? What is this? A convention of milkmen & paperboys?

  13. So bummed that I won't make it this year. I love this idea for a conference--it is a great way to meet others who may have the same questions that I have. The key word is MEET! There is something so comforting in talking with people in smaller, less intimidating groups. Enjoy paradise and those cowboy boots! Best!

  14. I'm coming!! I made all my reservations as soon as you announced it. Guess I'll hafta make room in my bag for a cape...
    Can NOT wait!!

  15. I think I know what boots they're supposed to be though, right? Hahaha.

    Sounds cool - good luck, Ms, Keynote :)

  16. I will not act stupid when I meet you. Probably.

  17. Love this! And it got me all excited about the round tables. As a leader, I'm gonna get to hear ALL THE PEOPLE!

    I'm not a caps lock exclamation/point abuser so you know I'm really excited.

  18. In my head this was narrated just like End of Ze World.
    Because I can still watch it over and over and over:

    1. I love that. I know Albinoblacksheep too, they host some ver cool Flash.


Cuz You Rocketh.