April 29, 2013

Bathus Interruptus.

Aaaaah...! At last, a nice hot bath all to myself. Or so I thought.

Seriously? In desperation,I call on Lady Liberty herself, the most immoveable symbol of personal freedom I can think of, to essentially imprison myself in this bathroom in the name of performing my ablutions uninterrupted.

As usual, the Lords of Irony have the last word.

How do you  get your "ME" time?

This story appeared on Aiming Low.


  1. Before I take a bath, I check to make sure that there are towels and everything else I might need, in there. Then -- assuming it's one of those extremely rare times when I get to clean myself while Ash is neither at school nor unconscious -- I make him go use the toilet, etc., so he's already *just* done it. THEN I lock myself in.

    1. I've given up on the "cleaning" part of bathing. I just want to zone out!

    2. My wife often wonders why my showers take so long. I'm in the bathroom with the door closed and the shower curtain shut, hot water on, and all of the "kids fighting" noises drowned out. I can relax and let my mind wander all I want. I might not be lying down in the bathtub, but it's the next best thing. (Until my wife barges in to remind me that I've been in there for a half hour and that we pay for hot water.)

  2. Me time? What is this "Me Time" you speak of? I seem to recall something of the sort in the days before kids, but sleep-deprivation during the boys' baby years (aka the "wake up every 2 hours screaming, fall asleep in your arms, and wake back up when you put them down" phase) have ruined my memor -- What was I talking about again?

    1. Hahahaaaaa. Yes. "Sleeping like a baby" = waking up every two hours.

  3. I'm lucky that I'm off on Mondays. Since the kiddos are in school & TWH has to work, I get a whole day (mostly). Summers are loooonnnnggg though. I'm usually so ready for the first day of school so I can reclaim my mani/pedi, massage, laundry, housecleaning, dog grooming, doctor appointment, errand...
    Wait a minute... Never mind... I don't get much of a "Me" day not that I look at in it black & white... *SIGH*

  4. I suppose that one of the silver linings in being divorced is that the kids are with their dad half the time so I have every other week to myself to prance around half-dressed with a glass of wine in my hand (sorry for the mental picture)

    1. ILOVEYOU! I like that mental picture...you can leave your hat on btw.

  5. I don't take baths anymore for this reason! Apart from when the kids have gone to bed sometimes I'll have a bath with husband and some wine but a kid will somehow sense the situation in her sleep and pop in at midnight and say 'what are you and daddy doing?' ha ha!!

  6. Wow this is a great post and it’s very funny too.


Cuz You Rocketh.