December 18, 2013

Print-on-demand: Joy or Despair?

So just to recap, I made a book called The LAST Snowman. I launched the first version as an ebook two weeks ago and you can pick it up for all things Kindle on Amazon. That version is already getting some really sweet reviews on Amazon and around the Internet, so I am happy.

But there's something about holding a book in your hands that's just so nice. A few people, including moi, wanted to experience this. So I went ahead and made a "print on demand" version. That means that I don't have to outlay tons of cash to have thousands of copies of the book printed (where most of them can then sit in my closet undisturbed for a billion years). And it also means that I can offer YOU a cute print version of The LAST Snowman for a decent price.

I was just worried about the colours; would they be nice? How would the paper feel? Is this the right size?

Joy or Despair? Let's find out:

Nice shiny cover; I ordered two proofs so I could compare them (ignore my yucky table cloth!)

This is what 50 pages looks like -perfect bound (no staples).

Looking inside, full bleed (colour goes right to the edge).

There's very little transparency in the paper, the colours are nice and deep and decently close to my screen shots.

And as a "real book" experience? This is where it really wins:

Definitely JOY.

You can now buy your very own copy of The LAST Snowman here on Createspace. It will be up on Amazon in about a week.

Don't hesitate to leave me a review on Amazon; it will make us both feel good.


  1. Mazel tov on your book now being in print! It looks gorgeous and seeing the joy is even better.

    1. Thank-you Beth! And thank you for coming on this journey with me.

  2. Yahooooooooooooo! Happy dancing like a fool for you, JC!!

    1. Thanks Bobbi! I'm going to practice my fool dancing for when we meet in person. We can compare. And then go to the ER together.

  3. That is so amazing! Looks like a great book! Congrats!

    1. Well thank-you for saying that. I hope you get a chance to have a peek at it :D

  4. Replies
    1. Someday you will hold your first born book in your hands my friend.

  5. can i get it in the UK? do i have to wait for amazon? love it! though why you put it out JUST too late for Christmas defeats me....mass presenting has been missed!! joy to you!!

    1. That's a good question - you should be able to, the drop-down menu for shipping has every country in there. Let me know if you can't. Otherwise, yeah, you might have to wait for Amazon (though they take a much bigger chunk out of the pie; authors get way less).

      I know I missed the mass presenting, I am sorry. I tried real hard but didn't know that Amazon makes you wait after uploading. *next time*

      Joy to you too Jo!


Cuz You Rocketh.